The Henry Ford Museum

The Henry Ford Museum is located in Dearborn Michigan, just outside of Detroit. The Henry Ford which bills itself as America’s greatest history destination is a Disney World of sorts for history lovers, car lovers and people interested in seeing up close — some of America’s most important artifacts.

The museum, which is both a massive indoor and outdoor complex is the largest of its kind in the United States. The outdoor portion is known as Greenfield Village. An 80 acre time capsule including the bicycle shop owned by The Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park laboratory and you can see many of the 83 historic buildings as you ride around in a Model T.

Inside The Henry Ford – you’ll find a wide variety of displays. If there was ever a place that can claim there’s something for everybody – it’s here. Perhaps you’re into classic cars and seeing first hand, the progression of Ford vehicles through the years. Like trains? Got em. Planes? Got em? Antique Furniture? Yep. What about the Wienermobile? I bet they don’t have a friggin’ Weinermobile.

Turns out they do in fact have a Wienermobile.  The original one, in fact.

The Henry Ford has one very special piece of American history — this Montgomery City Bus — refurbished now to its original condition – that became famous in 1955 after Rosa Parks sat in her 3rd row seat and refused to move for a white person. The Rosa Parks bus is a popular permanent exhibit.

The chair Abe Lincoln was in the day he was killed is here.

Another morbid, though incredible piece at the Henry Ford is the limo that JFK was in the day he was shot in Dallas Texas.

Though Henry Ford would never have approved — this museum may as well be named “The Time Machine”. More than 200 years of American exceptionalism, hurt and growth all somehow neatly tucked under one roof.

While Ford never intended for people to live in the past — he rightly argued our country’s future depends on, at the very least, remembering it.

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